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Monday, November 29, 2010

Elappully History

Fe¸pÅnbpsS eLp hnhcWw
          ]me¡mSv PnÃbpsS hSçIng¡ v ]me¡mSv Npc¯në A`napJambn kap{Z\nc¸n \npw 90 apX 160 aoäÀ hsc Dbc¯n 49.07 NXpc{i IntemaoäÀ hnkvXrXnbn ØnXnsN¿p {]tZiamWv Fe¸pÅn. tcJmwiw 76044 an\nG"v 14 sk¡âv Ingt¡mG'v A£mwiw 10044 an\nG"v 34 sk¡âv. s]mXphn hc­I ImemhØ Aë`hs¸Spp. sImgnªm¼md, hSIc¸Xn ]©mb¯pItfmSp ASp¯pInSç Ingt¡ ]æXnbn hcĨ IqSpXembn Aë`hs¸Spp. DbÀ {]tZi§Ä ]md \ndªXmWv. sNcnhpIfnepw kaXe {]tZi§fnepamé s\ÂIrjnsN¿pXv. tImcbmÀ Xangv\mGn \npÛhn¨v tat\m³]md, FSp¸pæfw XpS§nb {]tZi§fn IqSnbpw ]noSv hSt¡ AXnÀ¯nbneqsSbpw HgpIn `mcX¸pgbn sNv tNêp. th\¡me¯p \otcmgpç hfsc ædhmWv. ÕIß`qan Ingç \np ]SnªmtdmGp sNcnªpInSçpp. CSç sNdpæpIfpw Iv.v DbÀ {]tZi§fn aWÂIeÀ a®pw Xmgv {]tZi§fn sNfna®pw ImWs¸Spp Xmgv {]tZi§fn s\ÂIrjn sN¿pp. CãnI If§fpw ImWmw. tX\mcn, a®p¡mSv, ]md, cmatÈcn, ¹mbw]Åw, aWnbt©cn XpS§nb {]tZi§fn Icn¦Â IzmdnIÄ D­Iv. hSçIng¡³ {]tZi¯p Idp¯ ]ê¯na®mWv. e`yamb IWç{]Imcw P\kwJy 41,511 CXn 19,900 ]pêj·mêw 21,611 kv{XoIfpamWv. ]GnIPmXn P\kwJy 7,634 BWv. 3,929 ]pêj·mêw 3,705 kv{XoIfpw.
é, Pqsse, BKÌv amk§fnemé IqSpX ag e`nçI. tImcbmÀ ]pgbpw, hInt¯mSpw, 316 æf§fpw, 147 s]mXpInWdpIÄ AS¡w 1333 InWdpIfpamWv D]cnXe Pet{kmXÊpIÄ. CsXmpw Xs æSnshůnë t]mepw aXnbmhpnà FXn\m [mcmfw ægÂInWdpIÄ æSnshůnëw Irjnçambn \nÀ½n¨nGp­vI. 681 æg¡nWdpIÄ ]©mb¯n D­vIIW¡m¡s¸Spp DbÀ {]tZi§fnepw  kaXe§fn Nne{]tZi¯pw a®n\Snbn ]md BbXn\memWv æg¡nWdpIÄ C{Xb[nIw th­nhêXv.
               ]©mb¯nsâ sXt¡ AXnÀ¯nbmbn
Int¯mSv Hgpæp. CXp h­In hgnbmbnêvw ]noSv tXmSmbXm×v ]dbs¸Spp. tXmSnsâ sXç`mK¯p Hê sNdp{]tZiw am{Xta ]©mb¯ntâXmbpÅq. Cu {]tZi¯v th\¡me¯v Pew e`yamWv. Irjnç Gähpw A[nIw D]tbmKs¸Sp¯pXp hmfbmÀ Umanse shÅhpw ­Int¯mSnse shÅhpamWv. hmfbmÀ Pew an¡ hÀj§fnepw Hmw hnfípt]mepw aXnbmImdnÃ.. Fm ­Int¯mSnse BfnbmÀ Pew Cc­pIrjnçw {]tbmP\s¸Sp¯m³ {]tZis¯ Irjn¡mÀç Ignbmdp­Iv. s\Ãv, Icn¼v, hmg, ]¨¡dnIÄ XpS§nb IrjnIÄ AëIqe ImemhØbn \S¯nhê Cu {]tZi¯v Icn¼\IÄ, ]pfnac§Ä, Bcyth¸v XpS§nb hr£eXmZnIfm IqSpX lcnXm`amWv.

               Elappully panchayath was formed in 1939. The landscape of panchayath comprises low hills, valleys and nearly level plains. The state highway linking Palakkad and Pollachi town passes through the middle of the panchayath. The general slope of the land is north to south. River Korayar, originating in Tamil Nadu passes through part of the panchayath and then forms the northern boundary of the Panchayath. Vandithode, a stream, forms the southern border of the panchayath. the total population of the panchayath is 41,511.

JAYAPRAKASH.N 9895936752

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